
Driffield & Wolds

425 Milers

Status:Active, open to new members
Paul Grinstead Tel: 07932 494357
When: mornings 9:30 am
2nd Tuesday and 4th Thursday of each month
Venue: Eastgate South Car Park

This group, which will run in the summer months i.e. March to October inclusive, was formed when members decided that the long walks were getting a little long for them and the strolling walks not long enough. At a meeting it was decided to have walks of 4 to 5 miles and to have the 2nd Tuesday and 4th Thursday of the month. With these days selected it ensures that, between the 3 walking groups, there is a walk every week of the month.

Forthcoming events

10th December 2024
9:30 am

425 milers Annual Lunch

Our 2024 programme concludes with the annual lunch at the Marine Bar, Bridlington, on Tuesday 10th December. Jill Pick will circulate menus from which you can order. This event brings […]
Venue: Eastgate South Car Park